We invite you to visit Up Your Art today
UpYourArt is home to some of tagger's favorite international artists, these are just a sampling of the beautiful tubes you will find in our store.
Pin Up Artists
It's easy to create your own magic from a land far away where only your imagination is unleashed.
Black and White
You can find many dramatic monotone tubes to create with as well at UpYourArt from our list of artists. Who says not everything can be black or white?
Simply Magical
From the magical to the ethereal, from the beauties to the beasts - UpYourArt has them all.
An amazing array of art
At UpYourArt, you can find any type of tube you're looking for; be it sexy or sweet, gothic fantasy, or somewhere in between. The tubes you purchase from us are of the highest quality, and will inspire you to create tags where the only limits are what your imagination will allow.
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UYA Artist Links
- Abranda Icle
- Alena Lazareva
- Angie Monasterio
- Camilla Drakenborg
- Carlos Diez
- Carrie Hall
- Ching Chou Kuik
- Cristian Gonzales
- CyberCatGraphics (Stephanie Stone)
- Dan Holm
- David Boller
- Dawn Obrecht
- DL Norton
- Double Impact
- Duncan Long
- Elizabeth Austin
- Gart-Art Nicohlas Garton
- Gary George
- Grechen Raisch Baskin
- Greg Andrews
- Guy Powers
- Jay E. Fife
- Katherine Barber
- Lisa Victoria
- Lori Karels
- Michele Lynch
- Pat Strupini
- Paul Butvila
- Peter Bratt
- Rachael Tallamy
- Ricky Carralero
- Ronnie Werner
- Russell Platt
- Shawn Palek
- Steve Baier
- Steven James Scott
- Studio 43
- Sue Miller
- Susan Justice (McGivergan)
- Tony Pacheco
- Vicky Yeager
- Zephir d'Elph
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About Us

Up Your Art opened it's doors to the tagging community on April 15, 2007 and is owned by Suzy Falgout, known as Rapsody in the tagging world. A widow with 3 Labrador fur-babies and a calico cat, she lives in Texas on 10 acres of rural countryside. Raps has a degree in Art as well as Art Education and is currently pursuing a degree in psychology. She started this international company to help insure that our favorite tube artist were represented fairly, as well as their fans. Her business practice has always been to offer tubes in single format, thus allowing us to not have to pay for tubes we may otherwise not want in a pack format.
This blog was created as a means to show off the incredible talents of the Up Your Art Society Girls (aka Creative Team) by sharing their tutorials, as well as keeping you updated on new tubes, new artists and all that is exciting in the world of Up Your Art.